How to travel and experience a new culture?

Travel the world and experience new cultures through Workaway!

Why Travel?

Travel brings joy to us! I Travel Because; It takes you out of the day to day robotic schedules and relaxes your stressed mind.It lets you have an adventure in a new place with new surroundings. It gives us a chance to “Stop, and smell the Roses”. Really appreciate what’s around us.While traveling you get … Continue reading Why Travel?

Melbourne After 2020 COVID Lockdown

Out of Lockdown.... we decided to spend some time in the city. Staying at an Airbnb apartment right in the city, we walked around having bubble tea almost everyday. Our new fav Bubble tea drinks are from Xing Fu Tang Melbourne. We tried Brick lane Cafe for a brunch then discovered that the venue converted … Continue reading Melbourne After 2020 COVID Lockdown

Giving Project 1

One of my goals was to give to the kids who needs help in getting an education, as I believe education is key to a poverty free world....  here are some pictures from our first project at a very rural school in Sri Lanka.  Arawatta school in Mahiyangana, Sri Lanka. We were able to give … Continue reading Giving Project 1

Let your heart guide you to happiness

I decide to live my dream, and let the kids have an education like no other! Only 3 weeks and 4 days away to go to start my year away with kids.   I feel organised but there is always that little voice telling you there is something I have missed even with my  multiple lists.  I have many … Continue reading Let your heart guide you to happiness